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NYSEIA Statement on Governor Hochul's Budget Proposal and State-of-the-State 

January 22, 2025

Yesterday, Governor Hochul released a budget proposal that fails to support solar power in New York State. In her State-of-the-State address, the Governor spoke about affordability and the need for action on climate. Regrettably, she did not connect the dots between the two issues, nor did she back her rhetoric with proposals to advance cost-effective solar deployment and energy affordability. This missed opportunity won’t just drive up energy costs for homes and businesses, it also threatens hundreds of solar companies and 15,490 good jobs for skilled workers in the solar industry. New York Solar Energy Industries Association (NYSEIA) is deeply disappointed in the weak positions Governor Hochul put forward on solar and energy storage in her 2025 policy agenda. State-level leadership has never been more important. We urge the New York State Senate and Assembly to fill the leadership vacuum and advance policies that support the solar industry while lowering electricity bills for all New Yorkers.

Click "READ MORE" to view NYSEIA's full statement.

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